Coffee drinker, consumer of milk chocolate, smile preserver, mother of four, wife to a smarty pants, photo fanatic, creative director of the house.
I originally created Inked Regards as a place to share my clean & simple greeting card designs with fellow crafters. As time went on, I noticed the need for truly unique cards in an overly saturated market of mass production. I envisioned designs that offered an extra touch of meaningful detail on such a simple token of kindness.
After designing for several stamp companies and having a design published in Cards Magazine, I decided to make my cards available to those who wished to give truly unique greeting cards.
Whether you need a single card, multiple cards or want me to custom design for a special occasion or your business, I offer many options to help you deliver a little kindness to others, whether it be a client or those close to you.

Customer Review

Angie S.

Adorable set of high-quality handmade cards, and so thoughtfully packaged and cute! Looking forward to giving them to friends and family!

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Email: inkedregards@gmail.com