Sunday, 12/25/2011

Happiness is…

…the aroma of a home cooked meal. …a warm fire on a cold day. …anticipation. …receiving a genuine smile received at just the right moment.
Tuesday, 12/20/2011

Happiness is…

Oops!  I discovered this post in my drafts folder!  So…here it is a day late!  🙂 …a fresh coat of paint. …a good friend. …a thankful […]
Sunday, 12/11/2011

Happiness is…

…brownies, warm from the oven. …an uplifting tune. …when the end is in sight during a trying experience. …a hug. …a shiny kitchen sink.
Sunday, 11/27/2011

Happiness is…

…sunshine on a cold, windy day. …a good run. …the warming effect of a cup of tea. …peace within. …a loving family. …seeing kindness & compassion […]
Sunday, 10/16/2011

Happiness is…

…the chatter of leaves as they skip across the pavement. …animal crackers dipped in hazelnut coffee. …a nap on a rainy day. …beautiful autumn days. …coffee […]