Friday, 05/04/2012

Unity Friday: Peace is a Smile

I wonder what you’re up to on this particular Friday?  Me?  I’m home today, along with an under-the-weather DS1.  It’s always pretty obvious when he’s coming […]
Thursday, 05/03/2012

Be Happy.

“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” -Abe Lincoln I just love that saying!  Isn’t it really a lot […]
Saturday, 10/29/2011


The newest member of my craft tool family.  It’s been patiently waiting to be taken out of its box now for a good month and today […]
Friday, 10/21/2011


I’m unplugging for the next couple of days to enjoy time with family!  I’ll be back on Monday! Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, 08/18/2011


 **Take Note!** The web address for this blog is in transition right now!  You’ll soon be saving yourself some keystrokes if you usually type the address […]
Wednesday, 07/27/2011

Ta Dah!

The new design is here!  There are still a couple things to finish up, but you get the idea of what things are going to look […]
Tuesday, 07/26/2011


***F.Y.I.*** If you happen to notice anything odd showing up or disappearing on my blog, it’s not your imagination!  🙂  I’m in the process of a […]
Sunday, 05/15/2011

Happiness is…

…a walk in the fresh, morning air. …kisses from a baby. …colorful birds. …warm sunshine.