This picture really warmed my heart. My grandson was over on Saturday to join in celebrating his great grandpa's 90th birthday. My grandson just turned 4 and brought his red tricycle to ride around in the backyard. My son also had a red trike at the same age. As Lisa said 'Gosh, seems like yesterday'. I so love your blog. Thanks
This brings back memories of my little boy with his tricycle! Gosh seems like yesterday!! Very sweet Melissa 😉
Good morning Melissa – it is so good to wake up to one of your beautiful pictures and a thought for the day.
This picture really warmed my heart. My grandson was over on Saturday to join in celebrating his great grandpa's 90th birthday. My grandson just turned 4 and brought his red tricycle to ride around in the backyard. My son also had a red trike at the same age. As Lisa said 'Gosh, seems like yesterday'. I so love your blog. Thanks
Oh, I love this photo…definitely needs a frame! Thanks for sharing this with us!