Sunday, 10/09/2011

Happiness is…

…the musty smell of autumn. …a pizza picnic at the park. …a family walk on a cool evening in the fall. …falling leaves. …glitter. …working toward […]
Sunday, 10/02/2011

Happiness is…

…graham crackers with creamy peanut butter. …a favorite sweatshirt. …a genuine smile. …baby snuggles. …monster cookies. …having something to look forward to.
Sunday, 09/25/2011

Happiness is…

…chocolate chip cookie dough. …an unexpected kindness. …mums in the fall. …a warm hug. …comfort food. …a freshly scrubbed floor. …a good night’s sleep.
Sunday, 09/18/2011

Happiness is…

…the sound of the wind in the trees. …popcorn. …clean windows. …a good joke. …a contagious laugh. …a good run. …fresh air.
Sunday, 09/04/2011

Happiness is…

…glitter. …sore muscles from a good workout. …sticking to a plan. …a second chance. …fresh water. …a good cup of coffee (with a side of milk […]
Saturday, 09/03/2011

A Saturday Synopsis: Balance

Saturdays are good for reflection.  It seems when Sunday is staring at me from just beyond midnight, I have to pause and consider the week’s events. […]
Sunday, 08/28/2011

Happiness is…

…cold slices of cucumber. …a newly organized room. …a soft pillow. …a family walk. …curls in a baby’s hair. …new beginnings.
Tuesday, 08/23/2011

Happiness is…(one day late)

…white birthday cake. …a loving family. …a wonderful mother-in-love. …humor. …sisters-in-love you feel completely comfortable with. …a Nutter Butter Dairy Queen Blizzard. …people who inspire you […]